Intelligence Is Not Biological

Pam Ho
11 min readJan 22, 2025


If you think otherwise, try to explain how a brain cell can create a thought, or how you can create a thought. You can’t. No one knows how thoughts occur. We have the ability to simply observe the thoughts in our mind as the detached awareness or self aka mindfulness. As you read these words you also hear these words as thoughts in your mind, this is called subvocalization. But you are not consciously causing the thoughts as you read, it happens without you doing anything but reading.

People sell courses on speed reading by claiming subvocalization is what slows down reading. Their solution is to read fewer words per paragraph, i.e., skimming. But you only read less, not faster, therefore you finish faster. But you also may have missed many important points because you don’t read every word. Literal speed reading is impossible according to scientists because you cannot stop subvocalization, aka thoughts as you read. Because we don’t know what causes thoughts to appear, we also don’t know how to stop thoughts.

Thoughts are caused by something which must have the ability to see and read through your eyes and be aware of what your fingers feel (for reading braille) and then have the ability to speak the words in your mind to you. Can cells in your brain read and comprehend these words, and then speak to you?

Most scientists tell us that neurons in our brain, by neural activity, speak these words in our mind as we read this. But that is a black box answer, i.e., that is no different than saying thoughts are caused by a black box. There is no explanatory power in saying neural activity or a black box. Why do they answer like that?

Because they can’t say the truth and keep their reputations, or their grant money for research, or get papers published in respectable journals — because the truth is this:

The brain is a mass of unconscious nerve cells which communicate by electro-chemical reaction — not by intellectual comprehension or data analysis. Neural activity therefore cannot understand how to read what you see or feel, nor how to properly pronounce and speak the words in your mind as you read them — nor can neural activity manage your memory of word meanings that happens simultaneously while you read — without any time between reading and the word meanings being made known to you. Whatever is causing that has to be able to see these words, understand what they mean, then speak them in your mind. Brain cells cannot see, nor do they have the tools to analyze and manage languages, understand spelling, the rules of linguistics, grammar, etc. They do not have dictionaries to search word meanings either. They only open and close to send simple electro-chemical signals to body parts.

If scientists said that, then they would be rejected by most of the academic community because the rule in academia is “Don't mess with the money.” Therefore, you rarely see academics who are dependent on grants risk saying something which may cause the money to be lessened or cut off. They have been taught, and they have made it a decree that “science” (and therefore funding for science) cannot resort to the non-biological to explain the mind. Anything non-physical or non-material is relegated to the “paranormal” or “supernatural” and is therefore off-limits even if that is the only logical answer to a question.

Like, how can unconscious, unaware, unthinking brain cells read and comprehend and relate the meaning of these words you hear as they speak them in your mind? “Oh, they do it by neural activity.” And if you then ask them exactly what that means, then after a long rigmarole they end up by saying their theories are ultimately based on inputting their pet theories into a computer program designed to speculate on how a brain might do it, not on any type of proof — because brain cells are simply incapable of reading and managing thought. But they want to keep their jobs and get grants so they will not say that. If you don’t believe that is ultimately their answer, ask AI. I did.

This is a typical conversation I had with Google’s AI, its answers are in italics:

What manages human memory?

The hippocampus in the brain is forming, storing, and retrieving memories.

How does the hippocampus process memories?

The hippocampus processes memory by encoding, consolidating, and retrieving memories. It also works with other parts of the brain.

How does the hippocampus encode memories?

The hippocampus encodes memories by forming new connections between neurons, called synapses, to link relevant information together.

If you keep asking the AI to explain what it means any further, you will get the same things it just said in a variety of different ways — until ultimately after you get past all the jargon the further you go down that rabbit hole of causation:

  1. Neurons process information by moving it around to different parts of the brain, which are made of neurons and of cells that support neurons, but they can’t explain how they process non-physical information or even perceive thoughts.
  2. They try to explain how the processing of information happens based on computer modeling that they program to work within certain parameters, not on any physical proof, e.g., they tell the computer program to explain the information processing that is enabling your memory of these words as you look at these words — but the answer has to be based on biological or physical neural activity.

That is how the science on the mind works in academia. It’s like if I ask you how you wrote a song and you tell me about the journey you took to buy a pencil, what type of paper you used, how a pencil works, how writing works — but how the song came out of your mind you don’t say. You then tell me about a computer program you created which recorded “neurons firing in your brain every time you move your pencil,” therefore that proves “neurons in your brain are doing the information processing for your songwriting. But we don’t know the exact details of how they do it.”

The reason they give that type of illogical answer is because there can be no logical biological answer. Why not? Because cells are not conscious beings, and therefore not intelligent, not able to manage your memory because that would require a memory of their own to know how to determine the right memory you need. And also they first need to have the ability to read and understand human language. Something is doing that for you, but it is impossible for brain cells to even understand and interact with the meanings of these words or even be aware that they exist — because cells are unconscious machines that only deal with chemicals. Cells would need to literally be able to read these words to you as thoughts you hear as you read them — because remember — you are not causing subvocalization, nor can you stop it.

That is a proven scientific fact. Which is why speed-reading courses try to get around your inability to stop the thoughts you hear as you read this — which they say is what keeps you from reading faster.

Only conscious beings with a mind can comprehend something, brain cells cannot comprehend things because they are just like other types of cells, they function mechanically, they are biological machines, not intellectual entities with the ability to compute intellectual information — like what you experience in your mind. Just like, no matter how many chimps on typewriters type for any amount of time, you will never get them to write a story. You will always get gibberish, with occasional real words, even with a trillion chimps typing all the time. Thought-out stories require much more intelligent comprehension then chimps have.

Neurons are not intelligent, less so than even chimps; they cannot comprehend these words because they are not conscious entities with a mind, which would require a memory system with an intellect of its own. Whatever is processing our memory — has to have its own memory processing system — to understand what and where the memory is, and how to make us understand, so we can know what these words mean.

Without the ability to comprehend, neurons cannot process these words, their firing therefore is about something else. But the science community will say, “You don’t understand, neurons have magical neural activity.” They don’t literally say that, but that is what it always boils down to. Or they say, “We haven’t discovered the answer yet, but we know the brain is doing it.” How do we know the “brain is doing it?”

What they mean is that they have preconceived rules and boundaries that they are allowed to operate within, and if they go outside those boundaries their reputation is at risk. Why? Because atheism is the boundary that the “science” community has confined themselves within. They pretend they are free to make rational inquiries, but if those inquires lead into any direction other than atheism, then it is not science. Even if the only possible answer is an intelligence outside of our brain cells is behind our comprehension of these words and the creation of the thoughts we hear as we read this. Whatever is giving us memory has to be able to read and comprehend these words and hear and comprehend sound if you are listening to this — which means it has to have its own memory system, and its own information processing system — so it can understand that you want to know what these words mean and give you their meaning. Which means it cannot be an unconscious unaware process, it has to be aware and intelligent — because it must be able to understand our desire to understand these words and sentences.

Academics and scientists have a priori shackled themselves to an irrational paradigm in the name of rationality by saying any non-material answer is off-limits. Why?

You can understand what is written here because something is processing your memory for you since you have no direct access to your memories like you have direct access to these words. Whatever is supplying you, right now, with the memory of these word meanings, HAS to understand that these letter combinations, these images of lines, are words. And it needs to know what these words mean — so it can find the correct memory, and then make you able to remember their meaning — all with no time going by. Because as you read these words their meaning is processed and the comprehension of them is being made known to you without any time lag.

Whatever is doing that, one thing we can be sure of, it is not 2 trillion chimps. Chimps cannot make you subconsciously aware of the memory of these words. If you think a neuron has more abilities than a chimp, well…neurons simply open and close “gates” to relay biological signals — they do not process the word meanings of these words like a computer. Why not? A computer needs databases of information to access, e.g., dictionaries of word meanings, linguistic rules, grammar rules, databases on how to use them, etc. That is not what neurons can do, there are no dictionaries of word meanings they can access in cells. They are far less sophisticated and aware and intelligent than a chimp. If a trillion chimps can’t figure out this essay, does it make sense to blame a trillion neurons?

So why do so many otherwise reasonable rational people accept such an irrational scientific method? Most of them have been misled into seeing the brain as a computer. A computer literally “processes information” by among other things searching databases of literal information using algorithms. Brains don’t. Brains don’t have databases of word meanings, grammar meanings, rules of linguistics, or algorithms to direct the brains to work like a computer. But “neural activity” does not need what a computer needs because apparently magic neurons can do the impossible, i.e., process information without any processing tools!

If a brain does not process like a computer then they don’t need databases, search functions, and algorithms. And since our brains do not have those things — would it not be logical to conclude the brain is therefore not processing this information?

But noooo! That would mean something outside the brain, something (spooky noises) PARANORMAL (spooky noises) is processing these words for us. Can’t have that. God doesn’t exist. Why? Because if God existed then the world would be different than it is. Why? Because people suffer and why doesn’t God show himself?

That is what they always say. In other words:

I choose to be irrational and believe in magic chimp neurons but not God because if I were God then people wouldn’t suffer and I would show off that I exist all the time to everyone. Science has spoken. QED. I’m not kidding. That is what 99% of them say.

Ask your average scientist if a brain uses “neural activity” to “process information.” It would be rare to find one who disagrees. Ask how does neural activity process information? They will say neurons move the information around and it just gets processed by the brain. If they are in biology they may throw in lots of jargon — but it always comes around to the black box — neurons and brains just somehow “process information.”

Magic neurons, magic chimps, anything but what is actually needed.

If you start your search for “how the mind works” with “well, what would it need,” instead of “let’s try to explain how the cells in the brain would do it,” then that would be scientific. But they don’t, because if you ask “what can process these words,” the answer is always — the cause has to be more able than we are because it is being done for us, not by us.

Which means it cannot be biological. All of our bodily parts are less able, less intelligent, than the sum of our parts, us. Whatever is processing this information for us has to be mentally more capable and intellectually more aware, not less aware of our mind and memory, than us. That is not science apparently.

I titled this essay Intelligence Is Not Biological because many people are convinced by illogical cognitive pseudoscience that the brain is managing our thoughts, our memory, our comprehension. They believe human intelligence is based on how brains are doing that for us. They explain why people from different ethnic groups score differently on so-called IQ tests based on their own mistaken view of how intelligence is controlled by our brains, by our biology. They say: Ethnic group A scores lower on IQ tests because they are biologically less capable than ethnic group B or C. The reason they believe that is because they accept the irrational premise that our brain cells control the management of our intelligence (which is based on memory and thought management) and therefore different ethnic groups must have different mental abilities because of differences in brain functioning. But the reality is that human intelligence cannot be managed biologically by brain cells because intellect is based on non-material thoughts and memory — which cells simply cannot even perceive directly as being information, what to speak of manage memory information databases in our brain — which simply do not exist there.

How does our intelligence function? However it functions we first need to understand that intelligence, thought, memory, is all non-material, non-physical. Our brains deal with physical chemicals, they “communicate” by chemicals reacting to each other. They do not have the ability or tools to directly perceive and intellectually understand non-material substances like thought — like we can. Our own conscious self is also non-material, non-physical, and seemingly explicitly designed to be able to interact intellectually with non-material non-physical thoughts and memories. Whatever is managing our thoughts and memory has to be able to perceive and interact intellectually with non-material non-physical dimensions like the thought dimension, the mental image and dream dimension, and most importantly the consciousness dimension — because an intelligent consciousness with abilities far beyond our own is what is actually needed to manage the mental dimensions we experience as intelligent management of our memory, our thoughts, and therefore our intellect.



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